• 学习 到处都是
  • Undergraduate Programs
  • 和平研究
  • 和平研究 女毕业生/我 Profiles
  • 和平研究 女毕业生/我 Profiles

    Tiffany Brody Blackbull (1993)
    I took four courses when the program was in its first years. I wish I could have minored, 但我很自豪能成为第一批上这门课的学生. 和平 学习在我的职业道路和最终成为一名成功的教师中发挥了不可或缺的作用 on the Navajo Nation. The courses, taught by socially aware professors and activists, 让我看到了社会的不足和成为一个有贡献的成员的需要 of our society. I've lived and worked on the Navajo Nation for 16 years and I truly feel I've made a difference.

    Hannah Mermelstein (2002)
    和平研究帮助我在内容和实践上为我作为调解人的工作做好准备 她是驻巴勒斯坦代表团的一名成员,也是纽约两个问题的组织者和活动家 local and global, and a librarian and educator in New York. Ten years after graduation, 我现在还和这个项目的教授保持着联系,我认为这是很明显的证据 of both their dedication and influence.

    Katherine Leswing (2007)
    云顶集团大学期间,我积极参加了巴尔的摩的课后辅导项目 City middle school students. After graduation, 我决定 continue to work with youth through AmeriCorps Vista. I worked as a Program Coordinator for the Students 在那里,我教了一门社会正义/公民参与课程 school students. I later completed another year of service with AmeriCorps National, 作为一个全国性的非营利组织“Play works”的项目协调员 providing safe and healthy play opportunities in urban elementary schools.
    我目前就读于美国大学的双学位硕士课程 I am a pursuing an M.A. in International 和平 and Conflict Resolution and an M.A.T for Secondary Education. The 和平研究 major has prepared me to analyze global 冲突,就像我目前在研究生阶段所做的那样,以及个人调解 conflicts as they arise in schools, the workplace and daily life.

    Sierra De Silva (2010)
    毕业后,我在巴尔的摩市社区调解中心工作了两年 中心(CM)作为调解人,外联协调员和伙伴关系专家通过 AmeriCorps State and National. I fostered a partnership between Community Mediation 和云顶集团. When starting out in the professional world it is not always about work experience, but your approach to the work; it is problem solving, strategic planning and implementation that make the difference. The 和平研究 degree definitely prepared 我需要批判性地思考,权衡给定场景的所有因素,然后采取行动 than speculate.

    Carly Heinz (2010)
    从和平研究专业毕业后,我搬到纽约市为一家公司工作 "城市年"我辅导和指导了东哈莱姆区的中学生 一年. 然后我决定进入爱尔兰和爱尔兰裔美国人研究硕士课程 at NYU in 2011. I am currently working on my Master thesis on gender and performativity 在传统的爱尔兰戏剧和爱尔兰监狱抗议在北爱尔兰的麻烦 爱尔兰. I also work part time for a nonprofit fundraising and consulting firm.

    Mary Wahl (2011)
    毕业后,我在云顶集团的住宿生活办公室工作. 在开始这个职位之前,我在巴尔的摩市完成了调解培训. 我很幸运能够每天在住宿生活中使用这些冥想技巧 as well as many creative conflict resolution skills. I have also been able to work 和平研究学院的教师帮助创建了一个校园同伴调解服务, a service that is still in its infancy but is continuously growing. In addition, I 负责房屋运营和司法工作,监督各类学生干部; 参加紧急待命人员,并计划校园范围内的活动,等等 其他任务. Another area of my position I am able to use my 和平研究 background is within the judicial affairs. I have been educated on restorative practices available 为了在司法案件中使用,在适用的情况下,我们的目标是使用这些 punitive options. Lastly, I often assist students in resolving their own conflicts in a variety of formats, and those are my favorite moments of the job!

    Scott Davis (2010)
    我以和平研究和西班牙语双学位毕业,辅修历史和 a concentration in secondary education. From 2010 to 2012, I taught Spanish at Lansdowne Middle School in Baltimore County. At Lansdowne, I taught introductory Spanish to seventh and eighth graders. Following the end of the school year in 2012, I moved to Buenos Aires, Argentina. Since then, I have been working as a travel consultant and volunteering at Centro Conviven, a local community center in Buenos Aires where I teach English classes.

    Ayma Rouhani (2011)
    毕业时主修国际关系,辅修和平研究, I found it hard to narrow my interests and skills to a specific field. 我决定 在以色列海法的巴哈伊世界中心做了一年的志愿者,发现了 my passion for public health and community education. Working with volunteers from 在世界各地,我建立了一个委员会,允许进行富有成效的讨论 of health concerns within our group. This initiative allowed me to experience “real 当目标是整合冲突管理和进步时,生活中的挑战就会出现 以一种非破坏性和保持统一的方式进行公共卫生实践 of a diverse group of individuals. Many theories and skills I had learned in my 和平 学习课程,比如小组合作,以健康的方式处理冲突, 以全面和多方面的方式看待一个问题,开始发挥作用. 这些经历巩固了我个人的信念,公共卫生领域, 具体来说,社区健康教育是我最热衷和最擅长的领域 utilized my skills.

    Kira Silk (2011)
    云顶集团大学毕业后,我在一家儿童住院治疗中心工作 以及有行为和心理健康问题的福利系统中的青少年. 周期性的 儿童福利制度的性质与我和我在云顶集团的和平研究教育有关 帮助我理解了我想要研究儿童公共卫生方面的愿望 福利制度以及是什么导致儿童被从他们的家庭带走并安置 into care in the first place. The 和平研究 introduced me to the concepts of Public 健康和研究社会问题结构性原因的重要性. 我最近 开始读研,攻读社会工作硕士学位,以便更好地理解社会工作 address these issues.

    Chiara Collette (2012)
    I was an elementary education major and 和平研究 minor at 云顶集团. 目前 我将在南太平洋的汤加担任和平队志愿者 他在一所农村学校教英语,同时也在开展健康生活方式项目 for the next two years. 和平 studies helped prepare me for this experience by giving 我在分析思维和自我激励方面打下了基础,这使我能够 在这个非常灵活的环境中工作,我的大部分工作都是在这个环境中完成的 由我. 和平研究强调了我帮助他人的责任 可能落在世界上的任何地方,因为我对所有人都有一种责任感, not just those in my immediate area.

    Christina Murphy (2012)
    在以和平研究和法语双学位毕业后,我决定参加 some time off before applying to graduate school. I went to India for two months, 我在一个可持续生活社区和重新造林项目做志愿者,然后呢 taught English at a school for village children. I also traveled to Uganda and Rwanda for a two-week conference called "Whose Community? Memory, Conflict, and Tradition" 重点关注身份在大湖区冲突中的作用. 我希望 开始读研,拿到人权和国际的硕士学位 和平研究.

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