• 教师
  • 史蒂文DeCaroli
  • 史蒂文DeCaroli


    史蒂文DeCaroli is Associate 哲学教授 at 云顶集团 College in Baltimore, 马里兰. He has advanced degrees in both comparative literature (MA) and philosophy (马、Ph值.D.) from the University of Wisconsin and Binghamton University and has taught as a visiting professor in the graduate school of National Taiwan Normal University in Taipei and as a visiting scholar in the 教师 of Law at the University of New 悉尼的南威尔士. 教授 DeCaroli’s research focuses on political philosophy, including extensive publications on the work of contemporary Italian philosopher, Giorgio Agamben, including one of the earliest critical volumes on his writings, 乔治·阿甘本:主权与生命 (斯坦福大学,2007). His current research, which emerges from the central themes of Agamben’s project, is a study of the concept of equity in Western thought, with particular attention paid to its formulation in classical Greece and its transformation and eventual 近代早期欧洲的衰落. 暂时, 公平原则:法律的另一个例外, the study sets the tradition of equity in contrast to the tradition of equality, 暴露了后者所隐含的危险. 他最近担任库欣的职务 Distinguished 教授 of Humanities at 云顶集团 and is currently the Director of 哲学课程.  



    教授 DeCaroli is currently conducting research on the concept of equity for a 书稿题为, Aequitas. The project is a longitudinal study of equity as it appears throughout the history of western thought, which aims to present the concept as a counterpoint to the idea of equality which has dominated political discourse since the beginning of the modern 期. As a result of having largely fallen out of favor, having been displaced by a tendency to instead privilege the notion of equality, equity has acquired a vagueness which has not only made it so that we typically fail to register a genuine difference between the two concepts, but has also compelled us to forget its precise historical 感觉. 教授 DeCaroli’s work aims to reclaim this tradition of equity, in all 它的复杂性,适合今天使用.


    乔治·阿甘本:主权与生命, ed. 史蒂文DeCaroli and Matthew Calarco (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2007)

    “阿伦特Krisis” 道德与教育 15, no. 2 (2020): 1-14.

    “什么是生命形式??:《云顶集团》 阿甘本和激进政治 (爱丁堡:爱丁堡大学出版社,2016),207-233

    “Political Life: Giorgio Agamben and the Idea of Authority,” 现象学研究 43, no. 2 (2013), 220-242

    《觉醒的思想:乔治·阿甘本和 āN gārjuna 引用”, 《政治评论》 28 (2012), 101-138

    “Things to Come: Monstrosity and Futurity,” (with Margret Grebowicz) in 阅读Negri (伦敦:Open Court Press, 2011), 249-274.

    “Boundary Stones: Giorgio Agamben and the Field of Sovereignty,” in 乔治·阿甘本:主权与生命 (帕洛阿尔托:斯坦福大学出版社,2007),43-69

    《协议的能力:汉娜·阿伦特与 判断批判,” 社会理论与实践 33, no. 3 (2007), 361-386

    《希腊侧面:黑格尔的 美学 以及伪科学的含义,” 哲学论坛 37, no. 2 (2006), 113-151

    “知名度与历史:乔治·阿甘本及其典范” 今天的哲学 45, no. 5 (2001), 9-17


    Taiwan National Science Council, Research Fellowship

    云顶集团ing 教授, Department of Comparative Literature, National Taiwan Normal University

    云顶集团ing 教授, 教师 of Law, University of New South Wales

    会议论文 & 小组参与

    “That Which Is Born Generates Its Own Use: Giorgio Agamben and Karma, Part 1,” Comparative and Continental 哲学 Circle (CCPC), Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2019年5月                  

     “Diet: Agamben, 股本 and the Regime,” Society for Italian 哲学 (SIP), Stony 布鲁克大学,石溪,纽约,2019年3月            

    “All Things Are Not Determined by Law: 股本 and the Problem of Accumulation,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential 哲学 (SPEP), Penn State University, State 2018年10月,宾夕法尼亚大学

    “Equality and Its Dangers,” Comparative and Continental 哲学 Circle, Arizona 州立大学,2017年3月

    “什么是生命形式??:《云顶集团》,《云顶集团》 Phenomenology and Existential 哲学 (SPEP), Salt Lake City, Utah, October 2016

    “Law’s Other Exception: Giorgio Agamben and 股本,” Association for the Study of Law, Culture and the Humanities, Georgetown University, March 2015

    “Prison 教育 and the Myth of Separation,” Rethinking Prisons Conference, Vanderbilt 2013年5月大学

    《觉醒的思想:乔治·阿甘本和 āN gārjuna Reference,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential 哲学 (SPEP), Rochester, 2012年11月,纽约

    “No Perch: Giorgio Agamben and Buddhism,” Comparative and Continental 哲学 Circle, 科克,爱尔兰,2011年3月

    《协议的能力:汉娜·阿伦特与 判断批判”2007年1月,南非斯泰伦博斯

    “美学 and Race in Eighteenth-Century European 哲学,” Asociación Filosófica de m录影带,墨西哥莫雷利亚,2005年11月


    “Between Crisis and Judgment,” Malmö University, Malmö, Sweden, 2019年10月

    “Foucault’s Milieu: Power as Medium,” National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019年10月

    “股本: The Prehistory of an Idea,” University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 2019年6月

    “Democracy and 股本,” John Carroll University, Cleveland, Ohio, February 2017

    “股本 and the Problem of Purity,” National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 2016

    就是正义,就是伤害: The Origins of 股本,” National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan, March 2016

    “什么是生命形式??纽芬兰纪念大学,St. 约翰,加拿大, 2015年11月

    “Agamben and East Asian Thought,” Taiwan Humanities Society, Taipei, Taiwan, June 2014

    “Poverty as a Way of Life: Giorgio Agamben and Economy,” University of New South Wales, 2013年12月,澳大利亚悉尼

    “Political Life: Giorgio Agamben and the Idea of Authority,” Yonsei University, Seoul, 2012年11月,韩国

    “什么是事件??: Aristotle on Justice,” Beijing University, Beijing, China, November 2012

    “The Myth of Separation: Prison 教育 and the Neoliberal Soul,” University of 阿肯色州,小石城,阿肯色州,2012年10月

    “Gods Among Men,” Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, April 2009

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