• Faculty
  • Irline François
  • Irline François

    Associate Professor妇女、性别和性研究

    Irline François is an Associate Professor of Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies at Goucher College, Maryland. She teaches courses on transnational feminist theory, Latin American women’s social movements, Haitian history/culture of resistance as expressed in the arts, 以及巴西的性别和移民问题. 她是富布赖特教学/研究奖获得者 2010年至2011年在巴西里约热内卢联邦大学任教. She was also a FMS Mellon fellow at Cornell University in 2009, and a research fellow at the Women’s Center (Archivio delle Donne) 他于2007年在意大利那不勒斯大学获得了博士学位. 她的专业领域包括泛加勒比地区 women writers, Afro-Latin, Afro-diasporic media and film studies, and diasporic/women of color feminisms. Dr. 弗朗索瓦最近编辑了一本关于叙事和当代文学的书 形式的史学标题 Writings on Caribbean Writings, History, Literature, Art and Culture One Love. (剑桥学者出版社,英国,2018.她已把法语翻译成英语。 Mémoire d’une Amnésique (Memoir of an Amnesiac) by Jan Dominique (Caribbean Studies Press, 2008). She has also published several articles and a book chapter on Francophone, Caribbean, and 拉丁美洲女作家.



    Dr. Francois’s research focuses on the literary and historical experiences of African-descendant women and men from the Caribbean, Western Europe and the Americas. Her scholarship has evolved and includes issues of migration, memory, language, European and American colonialism, black feminist intellectual production, the psychic cost of slavery from a comparative perspective, geography’s role in rethinking the politics and social struggle of marginalized groups, and historical haunting and healing through visual cultural arts. 她目前正在完成一本名为《 Longings, Belongings and Un-belongings: Haunting Narratologies in Haiti and the Americas. It examines how historical haunting has impacted the Afro-gendered subject in the Americas.



    Writings on Caribbean History, Literature, Art and Culture: One Love. Cambridge Scholars 英国出版(2018年春季)


    Reflections of a Transnational Caribbeanist following the murder of AfroBrazilian female political activist, Marielle Franco in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil on March 14, 2018. (Under Submission)

    ' Écrire la hateur de ce malheur debout et justice, ‘海地震后:文字的形态、作用和力量 Ed. 艾曼纽尔·安妮·凡伯尔. 比较浪漫语言文学的发展趋势, 彼得朗出版社(2014年秋季版):111-122. Print.

    Dictionary of Caribbean and Latin American Biography, Contributor Section; Jan J Dominique, 编辑小亨利·路易斯·盖茨. and Franklin W. 奈特,牛津大学出版社,秋季版 2015)          


    法语小说英译. Mémoire d’une Amnésique 简·多米尼克的《云顶集团》.  加勒比研究出版社,(2008年1月)


    “加勒比地区的性别暴力使用”.”  Co-Editor. Introduction.  Anglistica: 加勒比地区的暴力. 英语和意大利文化跨学科期刊 Studies: Anglistica, 14, (2010) 1-5.

    “Paradise Deferred: Utopia, Eutopia, and Dystopia in Myriam Warner-Vieyra’s Juletane.

    Anglistica, 14, (2010), 71-82.

    《从禁闭到自由:简·多米尼克 Mémoire d’une Amnésique.  Écrire en pays assiégé. 围攻下的海地写作. Eds. marie - agn Sourieau和Kathleen M. Balutansky. Rodopi. Amsterdam, New York. (Winter 2004): 285-301.

     《水仙花峡谷:牙买加·金凯德 Lucy.Ma Comère. Ed. Jacqueline Brice-Finch. Vol 4. (Spring 2002): 84-100

     《女权主义者的眼睛下》——吉恩·里斯 Wide Sargasso  Sea.跨大西洋:大西洋洋流. Eds. Susan Z. 安德拉德和艾琳·朱利安. Vol  9. (2002年冬季)新泽西州:非洲 World Press. 117-128.


    富布赖特教学/研究补助金. 里约热内卢联邦大学,巴西 – Cinema e  Género Internacional Da Afrodiáspora Núcleo de Estudos das Performances Afro-Ameríndias (NEPAA)里约热内卢联邦大学, RJ, Brazil

    那不勒斯大学,意大利, Archivio Delle Donne.  Visiting Fellow

    Mellon Fellow. The Future of Minority Studies (FMS) Summer Institute at Cornell University, “女权主义身份/全球斗争”.” 

    Conference Papers & Panel Participation

    《锡科拉克斯的女儿们:苏珊娜·卡萨伊尔和克里斯蒂安·陶比拉.“加勒比研究协会, 哥伦比亚圣玛尔塔. Presenter. June 4 - June 7, 2019.

    Nas Seguimos na Luta: Reflections of a Transnationalist, Intersectional Caribbeanist following the murder of Afro-Brazilian feminist political activist, Marielle Franco in Rio de Janeiro, 2018年3月14日,巴西.拉丁美洲研究协会(LASA)波士顿,马萨诸塞州. May 24-May 27, 2019.

    Haunting Capital: Comparative Representations of Slavery in Brazil and Haiti, Northeast 现代语言协会(NeMLA)华盛顿特区. March 21-24, 2019.

    Contrapuntal Dimensions of Afro-Caribbean Spirituality in the works of Cuban and Haitian artists: María Magdalena Campos-Pons and Édouard Duval-Carrié,” Chair and Presenter, 加勒比研究协会. 2018年6月4日至8日,古巴哈瓦那

    纪念米歇尔·克利夫.” NEMLA. 东北现代语言协会. Pittsburgh, PA. April 12-15, 2018

    Women’s Bodies at Checkpoints, Borders, and in Refugee Camps,” Chair. National Women Studies Association. 马里兰州巴尔的摩市. November 16-19, 2017

    Gendered States of Injury: Biopower, Necropolitics, Decolonial Aesthetics, and Feminist Edwidge Danticat和junnot作品中的理论Díaz. NEMLA. 东北现代语言 Association. Baltimore, Maryland. March 24-March 26, 2017                                        

    “Haiti’s Genealogies of Resistance: Decoloniality, Dis-possession, State Complicity 以及《帝国回归时的暴力矩阵.” Decoloniality. National Women’s Studies Association. (NWSA) 2016年11月10日至13日,加拿大蒙特利尔

    “Haunting Capital, Legacies and Lifelines’ in Évelyne Trouillot’s The Infamous Rosalie.”

    加勒比研究协会. 2016年6月5日至11日,海地太子港

    “History, Memory and Forgetting: Danticat, Dominique, and Lahens’s Haunting Narratologies.” Collegium for African American Research, CAAR, Liverpool Hope University, June 24-28, 2015

     “One Love: Examining Contemporary Caribbean Literatures and Cultures.” Roundtable Chair. 46th 东北现代语言学会年会”. Chair. NEMLA, Toronto, 加拿大,2015年4月30日- 2015年5月3日                                              

    “Pedagogical approaches to the Literature of the Caribbean Diaspora.” 45th Annual Convention, 东北现代语言协会, NEMLA, Susquehanna University. 2014年4月3日至6日,宾夕法尼亚州哈里斯堡                                              

    “令人难以忘怀的叙事学”:亚尼克·拉亨斯 Failles and Edwidge Danticat’s Creating Dangerously.海地研究协会.  HSA,陈述,修订,责任: 海地的新叙事. 2013年11月7日至9日,海地太子港      

    《云顶集团》(crisis and reconement)是这样说的 Failles de Yanick Lahens,” 23rd Annual Conference Haiti at the Intersection of the Caribbean: Tracing the Past, Mapping 未来,海地研究协会. HSA. 西印度群岛大学莫纳分校 Kingston, Jamaica. 10-12 November 2011                      

    “Feminist Pedagogies of the Transnational: Conflicts, Contexts and Solidarity. Difficult 对话II,“NWSA(全国妇女研究协会)”. 科罗拉多州丹佛,11月 11-14, 2010                                               

    “Ne pas Craquer: Railroad Tracks, Gitanes and Rum: Claire Denis’s 35 Shots of Rum.” 非裔美国人研究学院. 2010年4月6日至9日,法国巴黎

     “卡布奇诺、吉塔内斯和朗姆酒?, Mèsi BonDié: 克莱尔·丹尼斯的35杯朗姆酒.” MESEA (The Society for Multi-Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas) University of Pécs,  Hungary. (June 2010)

    “Gendered Regimes of Injury: Haunting Specters, Re-memory of Violence in Edwidge Danticat’s The Dew Breaker and Junot Diaz’s 奥斯卡·沃短暂而精彩的一生 里斯本大学,葡萄牙. (November 2009)

    “One of these Things is Not Like the Other: Brazil in the Small Liberal Arts College Curriculum.” LASA (Latin American Studies Association), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. (June 2009)

    “The Caribbean Unbound”: Franklin College Conference Gendering Hispaniola Migration: 海地和多米尼加共和国. 10th International Interdisciplinary Congress of Women, Women’s Worlds Conference. Universidad 马德里康普顿斯,西班牙(2008年7月)

     “移民文学叙事中的性别与民族”.”: 6th MESEA Conference: Migration Matters: Immigration, Homelands and Border Crossings 在欧洲和美洲. 荷兰莱顿大学(2008年6月)                                         


    • BRASA:巴西研究协会
    • 非洲裔美国人研究学院
    • CSA:加勒比研究协会
    • 海地研究协会
    • 富布赖特协会同行评审
    • 拉丁美洲研究协会
    • MESEA: The Society for Multi Ethnic Studies: Europe and the Americas
    • 东北现代语言学会
    • 全国妇女研究协会
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